From Telco to Techo – a white paper

Thanks to Amdocs for the opportunity to reflect on the state of the telecoms market in a recent white paper.

From the introduction: Whatever label gets attached to the telecoms industry it is clear connectivity is critical to every aspect of our personal, business and societal lives. The dynamics of the telecoms market are shifting from internal technology dynamics and how that technology, shaped into simpler, more flexible products and services, can be built into the broader digital ecosystem. No longer is the purpose of telecoms just to connect from one point to another, but it is linking all of the elements in the new digital ecosystem, allowing new permutations of technology to support applications and services and of course, new business models

From the conclusions: Despite the increased importance of connectivity in every aspect of our daily lives, the telco world
is waking up to the reality that much of what it delivers will be shaped by factors and players outside of their control. The new ‘outside-in’ dynamic means that the telco must be able to adjust to these ever-shifting demands from partners and customers alike. This makes building the right operational environment, with lower cost of operations but higher quality of delivery critical.