5G Questions for Telcos – 7 weeks until the answer

Recent headlines are clear. The EU has pledged to implement 5G in less than ten years. Users believe that the promised land of faster, better quality services is just around the corner. So, kudos for governments and great news for consumers but immense challenges for suppliers and telcos, especially when so many issues and unknowns may not be clarified until standards are ratified post 2020. No pressure, then.

5G is arguably a metaphor for the future of the entire telecoms industry. From licensed and unlicensed radio spectrum usage to fixed and mobile convergence (at last!), as well as Gigabit speeds and low power for IoT – these subjects and more will inform the future business model for the industry.

We don’t doubt that 5G will crop up in all of the five discussions we hold at the
Great Telco Debate. How could it not with such a pivotal role in our future? With so much to discuss, we will finish the day with a dedicated 5G debate to gain invaluable perspectives from academia, chipset, network providers and, of course, the telcos.

If you’re serious about understanding the future of telecoms join the Great Telco Debate on 15th November.

Find out more, see the videos, and register at www.greattelcodebate.co.uk