Author: tania
TM Forum interview with JP Rangashwami June 2014
I was lucky enough to interview JP Rangaswami at TM Forum Live in Nice. JP now has the role of Chief Scientist at Salesforce having been at BT previously. So, who is better placed to comment on the massive transformation required by the telcos as they shift gears to address the digital reality of…
IOT: the disability angle – from air conditioning to the self-drive car
Disability is most easily defined as ‘a limitation in a basic core activity of daily living’. As an analyst, hearing so much about the Internet of Things (IOT) gets you thinking about how life will change. And as a registered blind person, it also makes me wonder what frustrations will be smoothed out by this…
The future Telco CIO: Serving whom & delivering what?
Whenever discussing telco CIOs I set the following challenge: “Think of a chart with Stalin to the Dali Lama on the X axis; and a Server and a business suit on the Y axis. Where do you plot yourself or your CIO client?” After the initial groans of recognition of the problem, the concensus tends…
The Telco: The Modern Day Animal Farm?
We know telecoms is a complex beast. As an icebreaker, I often start an industry event by asking the audience “What animal do you think best represents the telecoms industry?”. The range of answers over the years is many and varied as well as fascinating. It’s a great way to kick start a workshop but…
Managing the egos in the digital eco system
Straddling different industries as an analyst raises some fascinating anomalies. Telecoms, Networking, IT & Media are, like the US and the UK, often divided by a common language. Some interpretation is often required when talking about managed services, multi-channel, multi-screen, let alone Customer Experience. And, each industry believes it holds the upper hand when it…
Mobility opening business’ eyes to new possibilities
Mobility has gone from being the most hated, unwelcomed component of a CIO’s budget to being the most sought after by management, Line of Business (LOB) leaders and employees at every level. Smart phones and tablets have caused a step change in ICT philosophy, architecture and execution, let alone expectation. However, in many ways the actual…