Telecoms Industry

Chris talks on a TV panel

Chris has been analysing the global telecoms and related industries for 40 years. His strengths lie in his ability to put the industry into context in its entirety, rather than dealing with its constituent elements and to pragmatically advise on the impact of technological and commercial changes.

In addition to his public commentary, Chris also consults with senior industry players behind closed doors, sharing open and frank perspectives on technology, products & services and strategies.

Insights on Telecoms

  • The Telco: The Modern Day Animal Farm?

    We know telecoms is a complex beast. As an icebreaker, I often start an industry event by asking the audience  “What animal do you think best represents the telecoms industry?”.  The range of answers over the years is many and varied as well as fascinating. It’s a great way to kick start a workshop but…

  • Managing the egos in the digital eco system

    Straddling different industries as an analyst raises some fascinating anomalies. Telecoms, Networking, IT & Media are, like the US and the UK, often divided by a common language. Some interpretation is often required when talking about managed services, multi-channel, multi-screen, let alone Customer Experience.  And, each industry believes it holds the upper hand when it…

  • Mobility opening business’ eyes to new possibilities

    Mobility has gone from being the most hated, unwelcomed component of a CIO’s budget to being the most sought after by management, Line of Business (LOB) leaders and employees at every level. Smart phones and tablets have caused a step change in ICT philosophy, architecture and execution, let alone expectation. However, in many ways the actual…

  • Ensuring Quality in a Virtualising Telecoms World

    The benefits of a virtualised infrastructure have been well-documented on many PowerPoints, webinars and web pages of late. All parties in the ICT world are getting excited about the potential savings and increases in flexibility and performance that virtualised processing, storage and networking can bring under a cloud banner. Telcos are no exception to this…

  • Plotting the telecoms future

    We are entering a major annual planning cycle for many players in the ICT industry. The challenge for the telecoms sector is that there are so many moving parts, some positive, some negative and all interacting with each other. And with the increasing digitisation of everything, factors from outside the telecoms market will seriously impact…

  • A blank canvas or a really complicated puzzle to unravel?

    After almost 30 years of working for the telecoms & networking research community in the shape of many of the leading research and advisory houses I am now venturing out on my own. Although, is anyone truly on their own any more  if you consider the network of people from both the vendor side and…